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July 17, 2022 Working Round the Clock to Repair Damage for Customer  


Lafarge Canada contacted and engaged Western Pacific Enterprises (WPE) on June 2, 2022, to assess damages to a critical portion of the electrical system at their Richmond, B.C. cement plant, caused by a fire on the evening of May 31. The cables that were damaged supplied power, controls and communications throughout the kiln tower.  

By June 4, WPE had 25 personnel on site to reinstate temporary power to the tower’s elevator, hoist and navigation lights, a critical function due to the plant’s proximity to YVR.  

WPE crews and IBEW 213 members worked continuously to repair the damage, adding a night shift to ensure personnel was on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until the kiln tower was brought back online. The critical operation portion of the work took 10,000 person hours, but the work was done with zero first aids, medical aids and no lost time incidents.  

Some of the items that WPE completed were:  

  • Demolition of the damaged tray and cables 
  • Tagging and tracing the conductors on both ends with Lafarge’s operations personnel  
  • Installation of 15 separate marshalling panels  
  • 200 ft. of vertical cable tray with multiple trays  
  • 20,000 ft. of cable pulled  
  • 2,500 wire terminations  

WPE would like to thank everyone who put their lives on hold to work long hours and worked hard to complete these repairs.  

Project Details: LaFarge Cement Plant Modernization Project